Favorite movie of all times?
Hey music fanatics ! Our segment for tonight is . . . GEEKSPOT ! Dj Wawa is here for you great listeners out there ! Share your views , tweet us or give your comments for our topic for tonight . . . WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIMES ? Some of the UBDFM crews also share their favorites ! Liyana shares that one of her favorite movie of all times is in a series, the Harry Potter series that is. She describes how she wishes to live in that kind of world where magic is might and friendship can be pure and strong such as those shown by the threesome. Mike instantly thought of The Chronicles of Narnia, stating that the setting and fantasy fascinates him. Another crew chooses Back To The Future, ''because of Michael J.Fox of course" her exact explanation ;D Another crew mentions Pearl Harbor, because it's history and they added romance into the movie. Here are some comments posted by our Facebook listeners~ ^^) Amal Kasim " I hav...