
Hello again dearest people! You are on the night of Love@Cinta Segment brought to you by Dj Maxine and Dj Fauzul discussing about one thing, TRUST in relationship! So the topic is:

How important is TRUST in a relationship? 
Can any relationship function without trust?


Dj Maxine has quoted that, "You need to trust each other for a better relationship...", she also added that, "...passion, genuine feeling and commitment to one another are the keys to a success relationship which it brought about trust".

She also debated that, "Relationship will crumple without trust!". So, what do you think guys? Is it all true that trust is the perfect component to a good relationship?

This has also been viewed by Dj Fauzul and he stated that, "Trust is the backbone of a relationship for it to withstand longer". He also added that "...without trust, the person would get paranoid and that cause him or her to become a control freak". What do you think guys? Do you agree?

In addition, the term 'Friends with benefits' really show a significant evidence to a relationship without trust? Is checking your partner's personal stuff like mobile phone a necessary/ best action to overcome your insecurities? So, this is your chance to get critical :)

"...If partners do not trust each other, then what is the use of being in relationship?" - Dj Maxine

Below are some of the ideas from our facebook listeners. :)

Wikiweekee Horroria "Relationship without trust is like sailing a boat with no steering. You just let things go the way it is and dont care about whats gonna happen to the people and the journey. It's just not right, things wont go smooth. no trust in a relationship means you are doomed, and get ready to lose the war before it even started. One may have confused, struggled, feeling horrible till there's no turning back to fix things up and surrender, while the other one is clueless and get no chance to even know the reason why you've left."

Pidz Seamad "Yes it could function without trust if both of the couples are just playing around.. Well,thats just kids nowadays.. Even the adults, they tend to lose trust and easily being seduce you knw.. Yeap its actually how the strong is the heart to overcome things like this. So yeah."

Here is also some opinions from our twitter listeners. :)

Nurul Hz 
"Enemy is relationship right but it is in bad way, so maybe"


However, here are some tips from the Djs just to reduce the effect of overcoming this predicament...

1. Become one of their closest friend. Its up to you to decide :)

2. The person should not lie to you again; by starting it slow - you should not repeat your mistakes.

3. You should think that the relationship is worth saving.

I hope that tonight's discussion could bring about some thoughts to your perception and a pleasent evening to all of you listeners out there :) Do not forget to tune in to us again on the same day, with the same segment and airing with more interesting topics :)


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