Also that weekend itself, the UBD FM SMARTER Race and Bazaar was held. From the 25th to the 27th March, a myriad of activities, fun and games were organised and lots of great food outlets were set up at the UBD Sports Complex. All proceeds of the UBD FM SMARTER went to the SMARTER Brunei , so it was definitely WHOLESOME FUN for a greater cause. The UBD FM SMARTER Race culminated on a Sunday, and it had a great turnout with a ll the 25 participating teams up for each and every action-packed challenge. Kudos of course to the volunteering clubs that helped prepare each and every AWESOME obstacles in the UBD FM SMARTER Race. Once again, we'd like to congratulate the 1st Place winners of the UBD FM SMARTER Race - The A Team! 2nd Place Winners - Superfly, and Team Courage for placing third! The awarding ceremony saw performances from the talented kids of SMARTER Brunei . Not to f orge t, we'd like to thank artist Hill Zaini, bands Kamaloco, The Kidney Farm, A Band Once and Rika f...