Interracial Love: Complications

Tonight's topic is all about interracial love. Most of our listeners thought interracial love had a lot of complications. Interracial relationships are still pressured despite of the banishment of the old beliefs where mixing two races are pure evil.

Some of the complications mentioned by Wawa are:

1) Cultural background: The couple may have a lot of differences in terms of how they lead their daily lives. They may have communication problems as well, not in terms of talking but in terms of how they say it. This may also troubles while planning for wedding like which tradition should they follow.

2) Culture and religion does not go well together. It does not matter if the couple trying hard to work their relationship out, the differences in religion may pose as a barrier for the couple. The problems in the future might be the person may be in immense pressure to choose between family, religion or their partner. It tends to go down on one couple who will have to change their religion just to be with their partner.

Here are some comments from Facebook and Twitter:

Zimah Ibrahim: "kalau berlainan bangsa nda seberapa susah tpi kalau berlainan agama yg susah brabis! pakai sja bahasa org putih insha allah lancar th tu jln cinta merrka..tapi semua atu boleh diketepikan apabila rasa cinta sudah memebuat seseorang itu buta.. tpi terkadang sebab cinta atu jua seseorang sanggup berkorban walaupun berlainan bangsa atau agama.. kalau sekiranya seorang org m'sia & sorang lagi org brunei.. nda jadi masalah tu, asal sja sangup dapat turun naik ke malaysia & ke brunei..haha xD asal ada kachingzz $$"

Azmi: "hmm. Agama bukan race but anyway mereka boleh kahwin kalau dua2 sama agama. Supaya nada perkelahian(kelaie) rumahtangga"


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