Love oh! Cinta: Dream girl/guy

A dream girl or a dream guy. Cute. Handsome. Beautiful. Funny. Intelligent. The lists are endless. We tend to put high expectations on how you choose our partners. Now, why do people do that? Why do we get picky when choosing our partner by raising the standard and put high expectation on them?

Of course when someone was younger (teenager), they prefer someone who is cute or 'hot'. It is quite acceptable for younger people or teenager had a crush or fling with someone cute or 'hot'. As teenager, we have less commitment and our maturity level is very low. 

 It is only when we grew mature, our descriptions of a dream girl/guy changes following the changes in the environment. The descriptions of a dream girl/guy can also change due to religion, culture or status. This is because they need someone to be really compatible with them. Looks are no longer relevant when seeking for the RIGHT ONE.

We have asked our listeners about their dream girl/guy and we have to say it is really a hot questions. We are going share some of our listeners' comments from Facebook and Twitter.

From Sha Smile Omar: She describes her dream guy as caring, very loving and understanding.

Yudie Bae: To her, she love a man who is really caring and accept her for her strength or weakness. She also added she wants a man to be honest.

Saiful Adli Saufi: His dream girl is a great cooker, religious, really patient with his attitudes.

Didie Meiishaa: Honest, Loyal, religious and very patient. 

From the listeners' responses, it is obvious most of them are not teenagers. Most of them actually prefers someone religious or caring. Tonights' winners will win $5 top up card each for best comments. Congratulations to: @Harziman and Puteri Lavender Minak! 


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